Good Oral Hygiene Habits

In all your life you can only lose it once, then nature gifts you a second chance to treasure it more. Unlike nails or hair, your tooth never gets a third chance, but follows you lifelong if you take good care of it. Having good oral hygiene habits can help you preserve your teeth until the end and avoid having to suffer through “I wish I could have a bite of it” problem in the future. If tooth isn’t taken care of, then at some point of time your smile will miss your teeth, people will maintain a safe distance from you when you speak, you will maintain safe distance from foods that are too hot, too cold or too sweet. VV dental hospital can help you avoid such hassle and have a confident smile. Habits are difficult to cultivate, especially oral habits, you can maintain the right weight by stop eating junk foods, but you can’t stop eating to keep your teeth clean.

Developing a good oral hygiene isn’t as difficult as it sounds. You already brush your teeth every day, just do so before you go to bed too. Use of soft bristle brush is recommended as it doesn’t injure the gums. Understanding how to use brush is equally important to avoid gum disease, use your time gently brush in circular motion to remove plaque. After brushing the teeth, brush the tongue as well, it holds most bacteria that causes bad breath. When choosing a toothpaste opt for one with fluoride as it prevents tooth decay. After brushing remember to floss, it’s understandable that the process is tedious and time consuming but to keep a full set of teeth when you are 70 it’s a small sacrifice. To keep your breath fresh drink a lot of water, and after every meal use a mouthwash. Mouthwash can reach those hard-to-reach places and neutralize the acids that causes cavity in teeth. Eat foods which have a crunch to it and gives your jaw a workout like fruits and vegetables high in fibres but low in acid and sugar.

Finally, visit a Pediatric dentist in Anna nagar twice every year, even if you don’t have any problem. According to National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research most oral cancers are first identified by dentist on course of a routine check-up.